Preparing for the final push...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 10:42 AM

The orkut team has been hard at work, making improvements to the performance and user experience of the application platform, preparing to complete our launch and enable OpenSocial apps for all users. We're going to perform this final roll out over the course of a few days, starting on July 10th, to help distribute the expected increase in traffic to your applications.

If you haven't already, now is the time to implement some of the caching and performance techniques that will help your servers survive this ramp up of new traffic. Here are a few strategies you should be using:

Render your profile view based on appData, not on data you receive from your server.
Profile views make up the lion's share of application renders. You can drastically reduce the number of requests hitting your server if you store information in appData so that you can render the profile view without pinging your third party server. It's also much faster to request data from the container - so your app will be the first to load on a user's profile.

Let orkut cache images and other static content for you.
You can use getProxyUrl to fetch a URL for the cached version of a static resource. Be sure to re-enable URL rewriting if you previously opted out. Also, be sure to use Cache-Control headers to maximize the benefits of caching.

Use <Preload> tags to fetch data from your server.
You can now send signed requests to your servers before your app is even finished loading—just add the authz parameter to your <Preload> tags. Orkut will also respect the cache headers you include in the response, which can greatly reduce the load on your servers.

You can find details on these and other best practices for performance in the Latency Tips for orkut article. Also, remember that a large percentage of orkut users speak Portuguese, so check out this article on localization.