New Feature: Disable automatic URL rewriting for easier development

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 9:15 AM

In our last post about latency optimizations, we introduced a new feature of the orkut sandbox - automatic URL rewriting for remote content such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. The response to this feature has been favorable, and our users have seen decreased latency and improved application performance across the board.

However, since caching can make development difficult, some developers have asked for a way to turn off this behavior. The orkut team has just pushed a new feature to the sandbox that addresses these requests. Now, if you really need to disable this automatic rewriting, you can use the following code inside the <ModulePrefs> section of your gadget spec:

<Optional feature="content-rewrite">
<Param name="include">NONE</Param>

Keep in mind that this should only be used to help develop your application. Your production apps should not rely on this feature!

As usual, appending &bpc=1 to the end of any URL you visit will bypass the cache on the rendered page, including rewritten links.

Happy coding!