New and improved orkut sandbox

Monday, March 3, 2008 at 6:59 PM

We've just pushed a bunch of updates to the sandbox, including fixes for the following issues:
  • 23 - Signed makRequest IDs do not correspond with Person.getId() values
  • 64 - Activity updates not showing in "My Updates"
  • 70 - opensocial_viewerid not passed on signed makeRequest calls
  • 75 - Links now showing up in the activity stream
  • 80 - adjustHeight creates a scrollbar on Firefox
  • 82 - Firebug throws "os_a.rpc has no properties" error
  • 91 - makeRequest throughput is slow in IE
  • 92 - OwnerFriends + OwnerData is unauthorized
  • 98 - requestNavigateTo('canvas') links to the wrong application
As always, if you have bugs or feature requests, please report them in the public issue tracker.

Happy coding!

Updated: Added #92 to the list of fixed issues.